Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Unorganized? It’s time to consolidate your files and dropbox them!

Backup your files into one easy location

The purpose of drop box is to offer users a way to back up their files to the internet. This program syncs your files with the internet allowing the files to be obtained from any location. Files on dropbox can be recalled on lap top, desktop, and even cell phones with internet access. It is a great back of files if a computer is to crash. It can also be used to share links and files with family members, co-workers, or even students. The data saved can be located on any computer around the world.
The storage space has a limited amount. A user is given 2 GB for free storage space. One can upgrade to more amount of store space for a minimal amount. For 10 GB the cost is around five dollars and for 50 GB the cost is around ten dollars.

Organize your files and stay connected

Dropbox is an easy way to share files, pictures, and videos with friends, family, and co-workers.This website’s features are appealing to a wide range of audiences. It can be used by students to consolidate files to access in class on a lap top or at home on their desk tops. It appeals to businesses that rely on their files to operate daily or need to share their files with employees and clients. This is an ideal program for teachers to save their files and lesson plans. That way if there computer crashes they do not lose their curriculum. It can also be used by families to upload videos, photos, and files to share with other family members. This website is very relevant to America’s fast pace society. It is a way to be anywhere at any time and be able to access any important file that you may need. The syncing between computers is an easy, convenient way to keep files organized. Drop box can also be used to upload photos and videos. This makes it more convenient then other software programs that are used for storage. It eliminates having to bring big equipment that is used to back up files. It also eliminates all worries one may have to keep track of a USB. If files are confidential and high risk a company may worry that their secret files of futures plans can be leaked out if they lose their USB card. This is also an amazing way to for families to keep track of their expense and organize files needed for daily living.

I feel that there is a minimal amount of computer background knowledge needed to operate this website. The website has a pretty step by step process with forms and tutorials to help walk users through the steps. I did get confused on how to share files with other users. This process could be made more users friendly. In order to share files on my computer I have to create a profile.

Dropbox offers files that have step-by-step directions to getting started. It also is easy to use with its premade folders for photos and files.This was a confusing process to grasp. I feel that this feature will be difficult to users who are not very computer illiterate. There is a web video to explain this process; however it took me a while to find this link. I feel it could be made more visual in the navigation process

A fast and easy way to save

This feature is used to replace hard drives that may not have enough storage, USB cards that may get lost, and computers that may crash. I did feel that when uploading photos it took a while for the file to sync. However, it is really continent as a student when going back to my home town and using my parents computer. It has trouble with keeping track of my USB and my computer crashing. This allows me to take in my computer and not have to worry which files I have saved and which files need to be saved. Then when I get my computer back it is easy to just sync the files backed to my computer without losing information.

Dropbox saves files that you change or delete for up to thirty days. This allows you to recover lost files or accidental deletes!I am a huge fan up the share feature. I can upload photos and send links to my family so they can view, save, and print the photos for themselves. I am glad to see that I can share files through links or share the entire folder. I am also one who liked to edit my files and when I save I wish I could go back to the file before it was saved. Drop box offers a feature in which files can be unsaved and undeleted for up to thirty days. I really enjoyed learning to use this web site. I feel with more time to master the features I will be using this feature to sync my files on a regular basis. As a future teacher I would like to be able to teach features like this to my students so they never have to worry about losing their files. The website also offers an easy and information introduction. It also has list of features that can be used. After some experience using the site these features would be create a useful, relevant website for a person that uses a computer to save files. I rated this site with four stars. It has great features; however it could be more users friendly when sharing files.

RATING: ****
Reviewed by: Hollie A. Schouweiler
Reviewed on: 10/7/2009

Works Cited
1. Dropbox Video. (2009, October 8). Retrieved from http://www.getdropbox.com/
2.Dropbox Features. (2009, October 8). Retrieved from https://www.getdropbox.com/features

3.Dropbox Screen Shots. (2009, October 8). Retrieved from https://www.getdropbox.com/screencast

4.Dropbox Tutorials. (2009, October 10). Retrieved from https://www.getdropbox.com/tour?p=4#5

5. Information Introduction. (2009, October 10). Retrieved from https://www.getdropbox.com/tour?p=4#1

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